Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Entering Into The Presence Of The Lord

by Paul and Lori Carhart

This message was originally given by Paul Carhart at The Connection Foursquare congregation in Long Beach, California on June 1, 2008 accompanied by an extended worship time.
But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. - John 4:23

Worshipping God. What does that mean?

Going To church doesn't equal worshiping God. Singing songs doesn't mean you're necessarily worshiping God. Raising your hands, doesn't necessarily mean you're worshiping God. And doing any number of these things doesn't mean that you'll automatically enter into His presence.

Indeed, thousands of dead churches around the world proclaim Christ as Lord and their members gather to worship Him every Sunday morning. Still, many of them never enter into the presence of the Lord. Some don't even know they're supposed to.

We must first recognize that worshiping God is more than just a show, both on the stage as well as individually. There is an attitude of worship that we must achieve as individuals. There is a place in each individual heart where we must arrive. This place is not the presence of God, however. It’s more like a bridge. But unless you arrive at this place, you cannot enter into the presence of God.

Think of this place as a portal. It’s a stepping off point or a doorway. I like to think of it as a Launch Pad. You can choose to go forward or you can choose to remain where you are. Individuals will make their own choices. When two or three are gathered, they reach this place and they choose to to move forward, that’s when we get something different than individual worship. We call it corporate worship.

It's Not About the Music

Just to be clear, worship music can be of any style, at any pace, with any instrumentation. It's not a certain number of fast songs followed by a certain number of slow songs. It isn't about a certain amount of time singing. It isn't about choirs or lead singers or guitar solos. God doesn't care about any of that. We could do it without music if we wanted to and sometimes we do! God does care that we've come to worship Him with a right heart. He cares when we submit to him. When we let Him take over. That's where it begins. This is how we get to the place that I spoke of earlier. That's where we open the door to enter into God's presence.

Entering In

There is no set formula for entering into God's presence. However, there are some ingredients.

1) You must have a right heart. Forgive those who have done you wrong. Ask God to forgive you of your sins. Indeed, we can use The Lord's Prayer as an example of how we should approach God. (Matt 6:9-15)

2) Love God with all your heart, soul and mind. Love your neighbor as yourself.
Jesus said to him, 'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.' This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets." - Matt 22-37-40

3) Let go of all your problems and burdens. Give them to God. Don’t bring the Christmas List of what you want. Focus on God and what he’s already done for you. Your needs will coalesce during worship. You don’t need to bring an agenda.

4) Don’t try to control God. You cannot expect to enter into God’s presence and not have a supernatural experience. But the experience is not for you to determine. Let go of your own ideas of what you think it should be and let God move.

It might take time. It may not. Corporate worship depends on more than one person. It may take some people longer to let go than others. The key is to let it take as long as it takes. But you don’t want to be the one holding things up, do you?

Human beings were created to worship God. Therefore, until you really worship God and are able to enter into His presence, you'll never be truly fulfilled. Not really. And not only are we fulfilled, but God is also pleased. We are blessed AND God is blessed. The last part of John 4:23 says:
"…for the Father is seeking such to worship Him."

Healing and Deliverance through worship

When we enter into God's presence and the gifts of the Spirit flow, this is when people are healed. People are delivered. This is when God moves. This is when miracles happen. And because this doesn't happen very often anymore (for whatever reasons), this is why people can convince themselves that God is dead… or that He doesn't care… or that He was made up by man… or that he doesn't work miracles anymore. These are some of the deeper things of God… things that much of mainstream Christianity has forgotten. When you thirst for God and cry out for the deep things of God, only then will God respond in kind. He may not respond immediately, but He will not respond if you do not truly seek him.

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